nicciblainHow does Acupuncture Work?Acupuncture is insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points and/or into tight muscles around the body (also known as
What Can Acupuncture Treat?Common problems that I see through my clinic are... tight muscles, pain, injury, stress, anxiety, hay-fever, fertility, period pain ...
Pain, Injury & Muscular Skeletal ConditionsNicci uses a mix of quick release dry needling for deep troublesome spots, combined with traditional Chinese Medicine to support healing
Women's Health, Fertility & Pregnancy SupportAcupuncture has been used for thousands of years to help women ease pain, regulate their cycle, harmonise hormones, support fertility
Natural Treatment for General Health Concerns & Illness Recovery Traditional Chinese Medicine has been the main source of treatment for many conditions for thousands of years in China. Acupuncturists ...
Stress Relief, Sleep, Mood and RelaxationBelieve it or not Acupuncture can be very relaxing. By asking the body to simply relax, the nervous system responds to release signals ...
Acupuncture for Hayfever TreatmentWith increasing numbers of hayfever patients through my clinic, I was curious to compare my local successes with published research..