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Stress Relief, Sleep, Mood and Relaxation

Believe it or not Acupuncture can be very relaxing.  By asking the body to simply relax, the nervous system responds to release signals to calm all body systems for a natural mood & energy boost.


Holistic style treatment may also assist to 're-calibrate' everyday body function to improve over all health, strength and vitality.


Traditional Chinese Medical theory suggests that by strengthening the body, the mind & spirit follow allowing energy, motivation and resilience to return.

New research has provided evidence of how this works, in particular Acupuncture has shown to have a stimulating effect on the Vagus Nerve. The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body connecting all our internal organs. The role of the vagus nerve is to initiate a parasympathetic response to calm the body after fight, flight, freeze, busyness and stress modes so we can allow all our internal systems a chance to rest, restore and reset, ready for the next action.

In good health this occurs all day everyday every time we take a good long breath out as well as when we sleep. However if stress has been around for a while we start to adapt, our vagus nerve stops turning on and organs begin to miss out on the vital rest and repair time they need. This can be a root cause of many stress related symptoms such as cardio vascular health, hormonal imbalance, sleep issues, mood, anxiety disorders, joint and muscle pain.

Therefore as well as supporting what you came in for, using regular Acupuncture for relaxation can become a really good tool in the prevention of illness and may help you fight off the effects of stress before symptoms become an issue.

Initial treatments are 1 hour long. This enables me to get a full health history and sense of how each part of your body is working, make a comprehensive plan as well as fitting in a full treatment in the first session.

Follow-up treatments are normally 45mins. Then dependent on what we are working on after a few sessions we can often drop down to a 30mins treatment to keep costs down.

As with many holistic therapies receiving acupuncture is not like simply taking a pill and carrying on as always. When working with stress related disorders the nervous system has often been in this mode for a while and may need retraining with lifestyle changes to support your ongoing wellness.

Dependent on the condition it can taken up at least 6 weeks of weekly treatments to see results, although patients often report feeling better within themselves much earlier.

A course of relaxation & balancing acupuncture treatment may help management of:


Anxiety Adrenal Burnout

Exhaustion Emotional Strain

Depression/Low mood Shock & Trauma recovery

Worry Stress

PTSD Mental Health support

Relationship breakup Grief & Loss

Repressed Anger & frustration Mind/body connection

Motivation Vitality & Performance

Seasonal affective disorders Sleep/Insomnia

For more info you are welcome to call the clinic or send me an email, otherwise book online any time to try it for your self.

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