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Autumn Inspiration - Metal element 2017

Chinese Medicine is very seasonally focused. It is thought to help us stay at our best we need to be in flow with the same energies supporting nature.

Energetically something changes each season, obviously as we move away from the sun, light and temperature change. However plants know this isn't just a few cold days and instinctively create their last bloom, start to wilt, and/or begin to drop their leaves.

In the seasonal cycle, Autumn marks a time of completion. It is a good time to be finishing projects, analysing outcomes, evaluating, organising then letting go of all that no longer serves our higher purpose or goals. This evaluation process is a very important part of creating room for rest & recharging (winter) as well as allowing more space for creativity and growth come spring.

To support this autumn has a very contracting kind of energy. With less space we are forced into letting go of anything we don't need. For some this intensifies fear, wondering what is next or worry about what to let go of. However if we hold on too long, we risk creating stagnation, angst and potentially disease. Nature knows that dropping 'leaves' is an important part of staying healthy.

At this time of year feelings of grief and lose can increase, often for no apparent reason. Grief is a very heavy type of emotion. This heavyness can make us feel tired, bogged down and/or adds weight to vulnerable backs and shoulders. Try to figure out what you are holding on to, or grieving for, then work to ease these burdens with acceptance and forgiveness and your energy should start to lift again.

Physical problems that start to occur more in autumn include cold's effecting chest , nose or breathing. Skin conditions as the air drys, or literally problems with letting go via the large intestine, with issues such as hemorrhoid flareups, constipation and colitis.

To better support your energy to move through autumn try:

  • Wearing the colour white to release grief and tune into your more organised self.

  • Wear metal and shiny things, to support the positive qualities of metal element such as seeing value and preciousness of each moment.

  • Eat warm curries with pungent and acrid flavours like garlic, cinnamon and ginger. These flavours help to scatter stuck qi and encourage opening pores & letting go, especially good if you get a cold.

  • Tidy up, remove clutter and rubbish & get better organised to create a sense of space

  • Analyse projects & goals. Cull what is not working and reorganize priorities. You will quickly find this is a great way to gain momentum again if things have stalled.

  • Ultimately the best way to connect with autumn is to simply place your bear feet on the earth, breathe slowly and be inspired by the beauty around.

If you would like assistance to help improve your energy or manage any health conditions through the changing season come and see me for a seasonal attunement.

Warm wishes for a smooth Autumn


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